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We’ve heard from our broad community of public sector workers and digital practitioners and we know you’re very keen to hear from respected voices within government and the civic tech space about a wide array of topics in Podcast format.


Talking About a More Digital Government is a monthly podcast by Code for Australia. We’ll hear from people involved in creating better digital outcomes within government and civic tech about work they’re undertaking and we’ll also be exploring ideas and initiatives pertaining to digital transformation, and the future of technology and design in government.

The premier episode

In our first ever episode, we hear from Matt Sawkill, Managing Director of Code for Australia and Jithma Beneragama, Executive Director of Digital Design and Innovation at the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Matt and Jithma explore what makes a digitally mature government and tell us about some great initiatives happening around Australia.

Matt speaks to the what and why of civic tech and outlines how the biggest barriers to doing digital well happen before the tech team is on the ground while Jithma tells us how technology is the easy bit: it’s people who are central to creating change.


“When you’re talking about change and you’re talking about re-imagining processes and products, the technology is the easy part of that — there’s always a huge amount of effort to get the organisation to have an aligned point of view about what the problem is and what a solution might be.”

Want to be a guest on the podcast?

We’re always on the look out for folks working in civic tech and government to speak with about themes you’re encountering or work being done. If you’re keen to have a chat to us contact us at info@codeforaustralia.org

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As an organisation we benefit from the rich history of contributions that Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people have made to the world.

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